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R300,00 – R500,00
R300,00 – R500,00
Delivers explosive energy, combats severe fatigue and provides a sustained energy surge with every single bite.
Combating Fatigue.
Playing sports.
training & competing.
Scientifically formulated with protein, carbohydrate and fat ratios according to the prudent dietary guidelines. The energy matrix consists of fast, medium and slow releasing carbohydrates combined with high quality milk and egg derived protein and fat to give you that surge of energy without the crash.
Caffeine acts as a stimulant and may improve mental alertness, reaction time as well as focus and concentration. Caffeine is a recognised ergogenic aid that can enhance physical performance during exercise.
Taurine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in your body. Taurine is specifically found in high concentrations in the brain, heart and skeletal muscle. Taurine may enhance protein synthesis and neurotransmitter reserve which in turn could influence cognitive and physical performance.
High in Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Provides 100 % of the Nutrient Reference Values (NRVs) per 45 g bar. As a group, B-vitamins, play key roles at multiple levels of brain function and various levels of the energy metabolism.
Braven Combat delivers delicious explosive energy, combats severe fatigue and provides a sustained energy surge with every single bite.
Braven Combat Bars manufactured by PVM Nutritional Sciences – the producer of the “World’s Original Energy BarⓇ”. PVM denotes Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals. It is the original. The real deal. We are not some Google-based research project. Nor a sudden commercial opportunity that presented itself. We are the culmination of over 50 years of innovation, research, and knowledge. Originally developed in the late 60s to fuel soldiers with energy and essential nutrition. Now available in the USA.
@Braven we dedicate ourselves to giving you the energy & nutrition to succeed and we will never expect you to eat a science project that tastes like cardboard. Braven Combat provides candylitious explosive energy on the go – yup, an energy kick that tastes like soft chewy candy!
Unlike popular energy drinks, Braven Combat provides Explosive Energy and Nutrition from a combination of carb’s, protein and fat. Braven Combat is scientifically formulated to contain the protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratio as recommended by the dietary guidelines of the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The combination of protein and fat with a variety of carbohydrate sources that are released at different rates helps to provide a Sustained Energy Kick without the crash. Braven Combat contains High Quality Protein and is packed with 75mg Caffeine, 1000mg Taurine, and is High in B-vitamins.
Braven Combat improves Physical Performance and Mental Alertness when Working, Combating Fatigue (and that early morning hangover), Playing Sports, Studying, Gaming, Driving, Exercising and Before, during and after training and competing.
The Braven Combat is not super-sized to limit excessive calorie intake, the ideal alternative to energy drinks when you are in the mood to chew and not to sip!
Braven® Combat is the ideal energy-giving-snack:
Improves Physical Performance & Mental Alertness when:
The Institute of Medicine (IOM), also known as the National Academy of Medicine, calculated an acceptable macronutrient distribution range for carbohydrates (45 %-65 % of energy), protein (10 %-35 % of energy), and fat (20 %-35 % of energy)). These ranges are used by dietitians and registered nutritionists worldwide as guidelines for prudent dietary recommendations to the overall public as well as individuals with specific diseases. Studies show that within an energy balanced diet the intake for each energy source within the specified ranges is associated with a reduced risk of long-term chronic disease development while providing an adequate intake of essential nutrients.
The Braven Combat Bars contain 75mg of caffeine. An average cup of home brewed filter coffee contains 96mg caffeine.
Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. As a group B-vitamins, play key roles at multiple levels of brain function and various parts of energy metabolism. B-vitamins are water soluble thus they can be excreted easily by the kidneys.
Taurine is an amino acid that occurs naturally in your body. Taurine is specifically found in high concentrations in the brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Taurine has multiple important functions in the body including maintaining proper hydration and electrolyte balance in your cells and helping with the movement of calcium into the cells.
Both Braven Combat flavors contain milk, egg, and soy. The Cola flavor also contains sulfites.
Braven Combat are suitable for lacto-ovo-vegetarians as it contains milk powder and egg white.
Braven Combat are all gluten-free (coated, non-coated, and combat bars) and can be enjoyed by wheat and gluten-intolerant individuals.
No, the Braven Combat Bars do not contain any artificial sweeteners.
Braven Combat Bars contain high-quality protein sources. Braven Combat Bars are produced with milk and egg white protein, which is high in essential-and branched chain-amino acids (BCAA’s).
Not all protein is created equal, they differ in terms of their amino acid composition, digestion, and absorption. Amino acids (building blocks of protein) can be divided into essential amino acids (cannot be synthesized by the body, thus, dietary intake is essential) or non-essential amino acids (can be synthesized by the body). Protein quality evaluation aims to determine the capacity of food protein sources to meet the protein and essential amino-nitrogen requirements, i.e., to satisfy the metabolic needs for amino acids and nitrogen.
There are two different approaches to measuring protein quality, namely fecal digestibility (protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS)) and ileal digestibility (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS)). Ileal digestibility is defined as the disappearance of a nutrient between the mouth and the end of the small intestine (terminal ileum), whereas fecal digestibility is the disappearance of a nutrient between the mouth and the end of the digestive tract. Although both ileal and fecal amino acid digestibility approaches can be subject to important limitations, on balance ileal protein, or amino acid digestibility, is considered to better reflect the amounts of amino acids absorbed and therefore be used to determine the quality of a protein source.
However, in practice due to the limited availability of ileal digestibility data, currently the most widely recognized and approved method for evaluating protein quality of food proteins is PDCAAS. PDCAAS is required by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling regulations, which were promulgated out of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) when making claims about the protein content. This gives a score up to a maximum of 1.00. Protein derived from animal sources ((i.e., dairy, eggs, beef, etc.) score better with both methods. Plant-derived protein sources (like soy) are usually lacking in Sulphur containing amino acids, namely methionine and cysteine, of which methionine is an essential amino acid.
A diet should not only focus on providing enough protein, but also on providing adequate proportional amounts of specific amino acids. The relationship of amino acids to one another can enhance/negate certain physiological outcomes and deficiencies of certain essential amino acids could be rate-limiting. Both the above-mentioned protein quality measures ignore this fact. A sole focus on total protein intake rather than a proportional ratio of amino acids to meet specific physiological demands is a misnomer. Due to the metabolic demands of various physiological stages/states, i.e. maintenance, muscle tissue growth, power, endurance, and recovery, a specific amino acid profile is needed to support and optimize these physiological processes. Therefore, a habitual high-protein diet can still be deficient/limiting in specific amino acids.
The Braven Combat Bars are formulated with high-quality milk and egg-derived protein to provide a delicious, nutritious, anytime, anywhere energy boost.
All the Braven Combat Bars are preservative free.
The term natural flavor or natural flavoring, according to the FDA, means the flavoring constituents are derived from plant material (spices, vegetables, fruit, etc.), meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional. Alternatively, artificial flavors are flavorings that are made from components that do not meet this definition.
The CODEX ALIMENTARIUS international food standards, guidelines, and codes of practice, further differentiate between nature-identical flavors, which are synthesized but have the same chemical composition as their natural counterparts. Artificial flavors have a different chemical composition from any flavor constituents found in nature. It’s generally assumed that “natural” is better or healthier, but nature-identical flavors (classified according to the FDA definition as artificial) have the same chemical structure as the naturally occurring ones.
Nature-identical flavors are produced economically, with reduced environmental concerns and more consistent quality, than most of their natural counterparts. Notably, flavors derived from natural products may vary with plant production or harvesting methods. As such, many nature-identical flavors are available in higher purity.
Worldwide, all food additives are carefully regulated by federal authorities (e.g. FDA in the USA) and various international organizations to ensure that foods are safe to eat and are accurately labeled. Since our inception in the 1960s, we have been passionate about the biological sciences, objective truth, and empirical certainty. We will stay true to our founding values and commitment not to make a factual statement in the absence of sufficient evidence to do so whilst challenging the prevailing status quo when necessary. We can assure you that we do not include additives (including flavors) in our products that have a detrimental effect on health nor additives that can potentially harm your health.
Braven Combat Bars are produced with milk powder; therefore, they contain 0.25 oz. (7g) lactose per 1.59 oz. (45g) bar. Lactose-intolerant individuals can usually tolerate up to 0.42 oz. (12g) lactose per day. In our experience, a solid Braven Combat Bar containing a combination of carbohydrate sources, protein, and fat is well tolerated by lactose-intolerant individuals. This however differs between individuals; therefore, it is important to test your tolerance to the bars.
All Braven Bars are manufactured by PVM Nutritional Sciences – the producer of the “World’s Original Energy BarⓇ” in a FSSC 22000 certified facility with an internationally recognized food safety management system.
PVM denotes Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals. It is the original. The real deal. We are not some Google-based research project. Nor a sudden commercial opportunity that presented itself. We are the culmination of over 50 years of innovation, research, and knowledge. Originally developed in the late 60s to fuel soldiers with energy and essential nutrition.
Carbohydrates are divided into simple (sugar)-and complex carbohydrates (starch). Sugar found in foods can be further divided into added-and intrinsic sugar. Added sugar do not occur naturally in foods, therefore they are added during processing and manufacturing. Sugars found intrinsically include lactose found naturally in milk or fructose found in fruits.
Carbohydrates, including sugar, also differ in terms of their glycemic response, in other words the impact they have on blood sugar levels. Frequent and high intake of sugars that spike your blood sugar levels and increase caloric intake leading to weight gain increases your risk for long-term health complications. This is especially true for sugar sweetened carbonated drinks that only contain sugar without any other essential nutrients.
The combination of protein, fat, carbohydrates and fiber affects the glycemic response of foods. The combination of the nutrients decreases/modulates the increase in blood sugar levels. The Braven Bars are also scientifically formulated to contain the protein, carbohydrate, and fat ratio as recommended by the dietary guidelines of the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The combination of protein and fat with a variety of carbohydrate sources that are released at different rates helps to provide instant and sustained energy and maintain blood sugar levels.
All our Bars are made with milk powder; therefore, they contain 0.25 oz. (7g) lactose and 0.46 oz. (13g) added sugar per 1.59 oz. (45g) bar to help with portion control. As shown in figure 1 below, the average sugar sweetened Energy Drink contains between 26 – 54 g of added sugar per can, thus, double (and more) the amount of a Braven Bar.
The Braven Combat Bars are non-GMO. Notably, although the Braven Combat Bars are non-GMO, we at PVM understand that the polarized notion to label GMOs as inherently bad or inherently good oversimplifies genetic engineering technology and ignores the current use as well as the future potential or pitfalls.
Currently, confusion and non-scientific perspectives regarding GMO foods abound which is further amplified by misinformation in the media as well as varying definitions between different organizations and countries.
For a geneticist, genetic modification means increasing, decreasing, or removing a gene that is already present in the organism. Transgenic modification refers to the movement or insertion of a gene into an organism that usually does not have a copy of that gene. Both genetic modification and transgenic modification happen spontaneously in nature through e.g. mutations and bacteria. Humans have been altering the genomes of plants and animals for centuries, using traditional breeding techniques like selective breeding and crossbreeding.
Through the application of genetic engineering, both genetic modification and transgenic modifications can be induced and allow for precise control over the genetic changes introduced into an organism. A clear distinction should be made between GMOs and transgenic modifications. Unfortunately, popular media sometimes interchangeably labels GMOs as transgenic and vice versa which is simply wrong. It should be further appreciated that transgenic approaches are not more “unnatural” than genetic modifications.
We, therefore, agree with the USDA’s definition of genetically engineered organisms, we would propose GEO instead of using the term GMO.
“Genetic engineering: Manipulation of an organism’s genes by introducing, eliminating, or rearranging specific genes using the methods of modern molecular biology, particularly those techniques referred to as recombinant DNA techniques.
Genetically engineered organism (GEO): An organism produced through genetic engineering.
Genetically engineered organisms (GEOs) were created for various beneficial properties, namely, insect resistance, drought tolerance, herbicide tolerance, disease resistance, enhanced nutritional content, reduced food waste, and improved manufacturing processes. The use of GEOs can help feed people in developing countries, keep our food costs as low as possible and aid the environment by reducing our carbon footprint, decreasing reliance on water, and reducing soil erosion. We have witnessed these benefits first-hand with the new GEO maize varieties in South Africa.
Even though interspecies gene transfer (horizontal gene transfer) also occurs spontaneously in nature (most prominently between prokaryotes), there might be unintended consequences (economic or on other species) to altering the natural state of an organism through foreign gene expression. Critics often argue, amongst others, the potential health risks to humans include the possibility of exposure to new allergens in genetically modified foods (transfer of a known allergen that may occur from a crop into a non-allergenic target crop and the creation of a new allergen), as well as the transfer of antibiotic-resistant genes to gut flora. However, the overarching scientific consensus, including various independently funded reviews, has shown that the existing genetically engineered foods are safe for human consumption, animals, and the environment. Currently, in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) ensure that GEOs are safe for human, plant, and animal health.
Genetic engineering is a powerful technology that holds many potential benefits for humankind. Conversely, we know it can be misused, abused, or have unintended consequences. Instead of labeling genetic engineering as inherently good or bad the use of GEOs should be thoroughly researched, appropriately regulated, and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Since our inception in the 1960s, we have been passionate about the biological sciences, objective truth, and empirical certainty. We will stay true to our founding values and commitment not to make a factual statement in the absence of sufficient evidence to do so whilst challenging the prevailing status quo when necessary.